Haben Sie Fragen zu unsere Organisation oder zu den Projekten, welche Sachham unterstützt? Wir stehen wir Ihnen gerne jederzeit zur Verfügung.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Anruf/Ihre E-Mail.
c/o Kathrin Baumgartner
Kornfeldstrasse 85
CH - 4125 Riehen
+41 79 507 35 28
Haben Sie Fragen zu unsere Organisation oder zu den Projekten, welche Sachham unterstützt? Wir stehen wir Ihnen gerne jederzeit zur Verfügung.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Anruf/Ihre E-Mail.
c/o Kathrin Baumgartner
Kornfeldstrasse 85
CH - 4125 Riehen
+41 79 507 35 28
Haben Sie Fragen zu unsere Organisation oder zu den Projekten, welche Sachham unterstützt? Wir stehen wir Ihnen gerne jederzeit zur Verfügung.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Anruf/Ihre E-Mail.
c/o Kathrin Baumgartner
Kornfeldstrasse 85
CH - 4125 Riehen
+41 79 507 35 28
Riehen, December 2017
Christmas letter 2017
Dear friends of Sachham
The year 2017 draws to an end, the days are getting shorter and the advent season has already started. To me a good time to address myself to the friends of Sachham.
Since my last letter in early summer there haven’t occurred lots of news in Nepal. The Sachham-House is in ordered circumstances. The students are highly committed to their studies and consistently express their thankfulness for the possibility to get an education thanks to the financial help of Sachham. Increasingly they support the management of the house in Kathmandu and take over responsibility in the care of the children. I am frequently in good touch with all of them. This summer we had to reconcile again our bookkeeping in Switzerland with the one in Kathmandu. Even though communication isn’t easy due to technic issues, this task is well on the way.
Most of you know, that I have been sick in late summer and therefore had to postpone my visit to Nepal in autumn. I didn’t want to cancel my trip and therefore plan to travel again to Nepal in January for one month. Meanwhile I chair the project by use of the internet from Switzerland and thus I’m very good informed.
The constantly rising costs of education cause me great anxiety. The yearly collection result does not cover the incurring expenditure or hardly anymore. Sachham Nepal has a yearly budget for spending of approximately CHF 75’000. This contains the costs of education of our students (one- to four-year education, mostly up to the Bachelor’s degree) and our schoolchildren of overall CHF 28’000. Yearly expenses for salary payments of CHF 7’000 are incurred, in addition to the house rent, the spending of maintenance and the normal costs of living. These are all liabilities attached to human destiny. The students are talented, hardworking young people which have finished twelve years of school and therefore graduated College+2. Without a specific advanced training, they hardly get the chance to find a reasonable job and will join the more than 60% of young unemployed in Nepal. To be one of them they are forced to go abroad (e.g. Saudi Arabia, South Korea) and work there as cheap labour.
We need donors for the yearly incurred infrastructure costs, in order that we are able to settle the costs of education and school of our young adolescents and children with the current donations. In addition, we are looking for sponsors for students and pupils. A sponsorship, with which you support the fix costs of one student or pupil, you may already take over for CHF 50.- a month. All other amount is warmly welcome anytime. For further information please get in touch with us without any commitment.
I am aware that I am not the only person with my request, at a time where lots of letters being sent to all the households. Therefore, I apologize for any inconvenience.
I thank you for your solidarity, which I and the Sachham family repeatedly may experience. Every donation made to our bank account fulfils myself with joy and strengthens my dedication. Without your constant willingness to help, we would be forced to capitulate the good and meaningful project in Nepal. Therefore, once again: Thank you very much indeed!
I wish you a joyful advent season, blessed merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
I will sent you a detailed report about the projects in Nepal after my stay in Kathmandu in January 2018.
Riehen, beginning of December 2107
Kathrin Baumgartner
We are thankful for the following specific support:
Our Sachham house in Kapan Karibot, Kathmandu
The monthly rent of the house amounts around CHF 1’000.00.
At the moment there live seven students, two mothers with their children and four children, which have to grow up without a father or mother, in this house.
It would help us a lot if a donor would be found to sponsor the rent or even a part of it.
Please get in touch with us without any commitment at info@sachhamnepal.ch or +41 61 631 43 86. We will gladly advice you and give more information about the house.
Diapers for the inhabitants of the home for disabled Cvds Nepal
This is a side project of our association
Those disabled people had to live without diapers and therefore were constantly ill and sore.
Since the beginning of 2017 Sachham Nepal pays for their diapers. The health condition of these people is already significantly better since. Especially during rainy season a lot of diapers have been needed.
Maybe a donor will be found, who is willing to donate a part of the amount to provide the diapers.
Get in touch with us at info@sachhamnepal.ch or +41 61 631 43 86. We are glad to inform you without any commitment.
Riehen, June 2017
Report "Sachham Nepal" spring 2017
The main purpose of Sachham is to provide guidance and financial support for graduated male and female teenagers on their way through college education or vocational training as well as single mothers with children and interventions in emergencies.
Now, Sachham is supporting 15 teenagers, out of which 9 are female (2 resident, 7 non-resident) and 6 males (4 resident, 2 non-resident). They all come from very poor income backgrounds. The following education and further education are taking place: college +2 (after 10 elementary school years), 4-years preparation for bachelor of different subjects; accounting, managing (hotel management), social work, medicine and technical subjects. Every student has a very individual program and a corresponding individual budget that sometimes varies very much. The support of these students is therefore very individual, challenging, differentiated and sometimes very time-consuming. The challenge is even bigger considering the difficult circumstances in Nepal.
2 mothers with their children as well as 4 children from the village of Kalikot are currently living at our house in Kathmandu. Furthermore, we are taking care of a young single mother, who doesn’t live at Sachham house. Her boyfriend left her just after she got pregnant. Even her family sent her away, once they found out, she wanted to get an abortion. There were moments, when she didn’t want to live anymore. But once she delivered the baby, everyone, including herself, loved it. The young woman managed to get back on track again. Next month she is even going to start a hairdresser and cosmetician education. It’s a 3-months course after which she is working as a trainee for 5 months, before she can graduate and receive a certificate valid abroad as well. The course costs CHF 40.- per month. We are going to support her until she can stand on her own feet again. Luckily, her mother is babysitting her newborn for her to be able to study.
Our trip to Kalikot
After my arrival in Kathmandu on April 6th, 2017, I didn’t have much time before we left again for our long journey to the village of Kalikot. Until then I still had a lot to get done:
4 siblings have been dropped off at Sachham house under very dramatic circumstances. 3 years ago, their uncle, a 21-year old student, left them in front of our door. They are his sister’s children. She wanted to kill them after their father committed suicide. Until today, she is mentally very instable. Her brother took the children to Kathmandu, where he lived in a room. When he contacted us at Sachham, he was desperate, because he couldn’t find a children’s home. He worked at a shoe factory during the night, having the youngest of his nephews, 1 1/2-year old Kiran, tide to his back.
We took on this long trip to Kalikot for these 4 children to meet their relatives and to finally see their village, just once. It was part of their healing process of traumatic experiences back in their young life’s. The bus ride to Kalikot was exhausting and took 3 days from 7am to 7pm every day. At the end of the drive, we even had to hike up to the village, where they welcomed us with music and Tikas (red sign of blessing on the forehead).
On day two, we climbed up to an alp, where their mother and grandmother live. Ramita, the eldest one of the children, who was the only one to grow up in the village, seemed to know every little path and every little stone. The mother was extremely happy to hear her children calling for her all day long. Grandmother and her 4 grandchildren visited the animals in the barn. And even though they enjoyed their days at the village with their family, it was clear to everyone there, they couldn’t live at the village ever again. There were simply no jobs available. Most of the young people there move abroad.
After two days in Kalikot, Malika and myself drew a positive balance: We would go on this trip anytime again. It was a perfect length of stay, as we all needed time to cope with what we experienced during these days. On the long journey, back to Kathmandu, the children started telling us what they experienced and how they felt about their relatives and friends. It was very important to us to show them they are part of a family, which they now even got to know, thanks to our visit at Kalikot.
During our trip back, we stopped from time to time at a river to take a dip into the fresh cold water. After every refreshment, we found ourselves left with a lot of wet clothes. But it was worth it; the children enjoyed it very much. We brought home good memories and it even feels like this trip bonded us forever.
Sachham House
In May, we visited 3 children, named Sonam, Sandish und Sony. They all used to live at Sachham house with their aunt and mother (27-years-old). At that time, she found a good job at a monastery and grew to be a big help at the house, as she knew all rituals of our daily life and helped carrying them out correctly. She also started playing with her children instead of being busy at her cell phone, like she used to at the beginning. After a while, we rented a room for her outside of Sachham House and let the children stay with us while their mother was at work. So far so good.
The situation got worse a while after they moved to this room. The mother didn’t take care of the children’s school uniform anymore, didn’t’ pick up the children from Sachham house after finishing work and from time to time we even found the children all dirty hanging out in the streets. We found out, their mother had a boyfriend and got pregnant again. We had tried to find a way together to solve this situation. But shortly after we found this out, she left her children, only leaving their clothes behind. The mother was gone and so was her boyfriend. The rules didn’t allow us to take the children back to Sachham house permanently. I had tried to find a good children’s home, but after the earth quake in 2015, all the homes were full. An old friend of mine promised me to host the 3 children in spring 2017. Until then, we could make the children feel like they were safe and sound. At the beginning of 2017 we were indeed able to bring the children to the newly built home. Even though they have a new place to live now, they still spend their vacation at Sachham house, if they wish to. They seem to be happy and comfortable at their new home and I truly hope, we will be able to reunite them with their mother – one day.
Cvds – Conflict Victim and Disable Society
On day two of my trip to Nepal, I already visited the Cvds, a home for disabled people. I didn’t want to let them wait for my visit for over two weeks, until after I got back from Kalikot. Juna, a girl I took special care of, had passed away in the meantime; an unexpected heart failure. Even a boy passed away at the hospital, shortly after he was brought in. So obviously, there has been a lot of changes at the Cvds. Thanks to a medicine donation all patients’ scabies could be treated successfully and the entire home was being cleaned thoroughly. I’m very thankful we got to solve this problem, as everyone was always itchy and therefore had to scratch themselves. Sachham supports Cvds further with nappies, massage oil and my personal visits.
School in Halesi
Another project, which we have been supporting briefly, is the school in Halesi. Thanks to a well-known and project-related donation we can now support this school further. Therefore, a friend of ours is going to travel to Nepal this autumn to organize an English school for students as well as for teachers and to build a hostel for girls and boys. Having a hostel saves these children an everyday 2 ½-hour walk back and forth from home to school, which is especially though during the rainy season. Another plus side is, we get to send more children to school. This spring Evelyne Wernli, a Sachham Nepal board member, has already started to teach English conversation to the teachers at Halesi supported by a student living at Sachham house. Our plan for this autumn is to visit Halesi once again this time with an experienced school architect, a teacher from Basel and possibly with Susi and Robi Groeli.
This was a little wrap up of my intense time in Nepal. If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact me. I’m happy to talk to you anytime.
I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart, dear friends of Sachham Nepal, for the support you have given us already and for supporting us further in our cause.
I wish you a beautiful summer and am looking forward to hearing or even seeing you again soon.
Warm regards,
Kathrin Baumgartner
President of Sachham Nepal
Riehen, February 2017
Annual Report 2016
Sachham supports young adults by financing their further education (after graduating from 10 to 12 grade) and young single mothers with their children as well as projects for needy people in Nepal.
And things never turn out the way you think:
Sachham has been carefully developed, step by step, throughout the past year, up to its orga-nized structure of now. Different situations require different actions. We have been trying to adopt and respond adequately to each given situation. Sachham keeps changing and developing. It has never been the same as it had been a few months ago. Each of the young adults follows his/her own individual education and live program. Each one of them has set his/her own goals and has his/her own way of growing and developing. Therefore, the education programs are individual and cannot be put in one box. Guiding and supporting these young people is a chal-lenging task and requires a lot of sensitivity, flexibility and constancy. It needs to be recognized, when guidance is required and when staying back is necessary to simply let these young people find their own way, let them develop on their own. A challenging task for the responsible ones at Sachham. Sometimes, we are thrown into a situation unsure of what the best way would be to handle it. And yet, we need to not only look for a solution, but find one. Please check out my reports from spring and autumn 2016 for further details on the various processes and develop-ments. A lot of achievements, but also setbacks and failures are to be recorded in the past year. But, the unexceptional positive feedbacks that we keep receiving from our young adults, give us the strength and courage to keep up the hard work.
A big setback was brought to us by the earthquake in spring 2015: What is life going to be for us? What is going to happen to the families that live day-walks apart from the Sachham House peo-ple? How are we going to live with this fear and uncertainty, not knowing what tomorrow might bring? From one day to another, everything had changed. But, also at Sachham House we had to find our way to live with this uncertainty.
Sachham supports not only the people at Sachham House, but also needy people in Nepal. We have got in touch with the responsible people at a residential home, housing physically and mentally challenged people. Our aim is to support these people with our professional guidance and to give them motivation for what they do.
Single mothers with their children live at the Sachham House in Kathmandu. It became their home, where they are given space to discuss their - sometimes almost unsolvable - problems. These young mothers often still need to grow up themselves and learn for themselves to give their own life a perspective again. What is in this case a so called ‘unified approach’? Hard to say! I think, it is important the Sachham House is not being led through people with different mindsets. Otherwise, the people living at the house are simply being confused and therefore tempted to avoid their own problems. I would love to get the chance to take on this responsibil-ity, since Helga Karle has resigned from her position as the president at Sachham Nepal.
Sachham has become one happy family. It gives many people security and comfort. It has be-come a shelter for young human beings. Without us, they would have no hope or perspective in their life’s, as they would be all by themselves.
Since January 1st, 2017, Sachham Nepal has taken a new path with new Swiss board members. I don’t want to miss the chance to thank Helga Karle very much for her hard work at Sachham Nepal, especially during the start-up time.
At the end of last year, we have supported 31 people; two mothers, ten children and nineteen students.
Kathrin Baumgartner
President ad interim
Archive 2016
Archive 2015
Archive 2014
News Archive 2017